Friday, February 22, 2008

Senior Trip Myrtle Party Houses

the summum supremum SACTUARIUM

February 21, 2008.

World Press.

the summum supremum SACTUARIUM

In the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, started many years ago a project of the White Lodge and the Sacred College of initiative, supported by the Gnostic Church of the higher worlds.

Sactuarium This project was a physical within the earth, symbolizing the birth of a new humanity, it was there on October 27 Unforgettable, came to Earth Genius Force and make an appearance in my Real Being Involved A Magnificent sun.

In those days there was a great delight by the way my brothers and myself, all champions remarkable of the Age of Aquarium.

This project is carried out with great physical pain, lack of all kinds, while our mission priestess wife indescribable suffering for lack of financial resources for our families and for failing to fully understand our divine madness, that clearly looked as a nonsense of a group of friends.

When we had to advance along the path of the razor's edge between crossroads and thunder, finally finished the process.

After finishing our sactuarium physically, actually still lacked many details, was blessed by our international mission VM Saladin who once referred to as Diogenes solar Christ, which at that time served as abbot of the monastery. Internally

experienced an unprecedented process. Amen

say the names of the members of the first formula started, all we experience physical processes and internal fantastic beyond description.

Reality is moved from Ginas, a missionary monasteries of the higher worlds and merged to Sumum Supremum Sactuarium.

There he became a Real Expeditionary Force Legions of Light. Merging the

we found that we were in the earthquake of 68 that kills almost all, the earthquake was.

After this process of readjustment of mother earth, completely changed the face of this holy place.

the death of my previous physical body, the initiatory physical school as we called for love in "Nevada", is guarded by special people.

Terrible Guardians of the Sacred College of Initiates aka, Fermines of the Legion of Light "

initiatory Fermín in the world is the figure of the storm terrible embodied in a being, with special features to take care of sacred spaces.

Almost all the peoples of the world, there are these terrible things to care for the population from attacks by creatures of darkness.

Those with enough courage, you can go out at night and rely on them, they appear in the midst of an incomprehensible curtain of fire and light, can engage in physical communication with us if we have the courage to withstand their power.

The name was coined in Atlantis and the tradition continued to ancient Greece and means
sacrosanct. They are gone

Absolute Abstract Space, they are gods in the broadest sense of the word and many have physical body on earth, that is how we live and have families, chaste become terrible.

and his Alchemical Wedding dress is always a reality. In

I walk through this world, I have met them and brought dozens of physical and internal communication.

They are also called Guardian Angels by society.

Distinguish between Guardian Angels and Guardians. We

All Guardian Angels and Rangers are special people different, that no one can recognize whether it is through the cable car view of the seventh chakra.

This is the time to apologize to all members of my people and especially teachers awake reading this message, because really talk much, but I consider it necessary to clarify these points are in the air our Gnostic students worldwide.

This is due to correspondence waking Teachers who have written me and asked to talk less, say more than talking less.

As you can see in the unveiling I give my endorsement as Chairman of Gnostic World of the Gnostic Church of the higher worlds.

I said it was in Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia and this is real, because the Energy Office of Gnosticism really is in this great city, which have called for many years the Holy See in the World Gnostic Movement. And

Supremum Sumum Sactuarium was moved to a coordinate within the said city and not in the Sierra Nevada due to the difficult situation facing our brother and beloved country Colombia, which is why we clarify this point.

The physical sanctuary in the Sierra Nevada is still standing and is not within the Ginas world because we have faith in the future, to change the situation of our brother country and we can merge again, the physical temple to the Most Holy Monastery of Higher Worlds.

(By: Rafael Marañon).

hear the wind sing my Sierra Nevada;
The perpetual snow and ineffable ballad.

Its beauty is immense, round and huge, grandiose
his presence, his distinctive profile. His superb

walked the droves of mules, burdened by their load paths. And the brave

snowfields in the magnificent peaks
They take the hard ice of deep caves.

and return singing through deep gorges to the dry
city that looks as fresh.

transiting Bold cliffs and canyons, trails uncertain

abysmal passing through life stealing from the mountain to give
Its fresh snow to sunshine,

From lofty peaks and rugged hillsides,
They offer a feast of splendor everywhere.

Do "is the clean snow? "Do the ice is stored
For though deep and hidden these snowfields are?

rude people who struggle, and the mountain snow ice
snatch steals and gullies.

who strive and probe the deep in the mountains,
Collecting with effort, booty white frost Granada

That feverish longing nostalgically
And the coolness of the Vega, poplar and acacia,

Acequia del Genil , rivulets of the Alhambra,
That is a delicate gem, is queen of ancestry.

For as graceful lady of haze so harsh rigors
not supported, which reduced its fragrance.

And every afternoon sun, morning and night, with rays Blighted
the fragrant basil. That

love your perfume, Sacromonte and the Alhambra, Del Albaicín
the streets, haunted nights

For fine filigree neat azaleas, carnations
And radiant eyes that brunos saved.

thirst and the heat its softness break;
Its fragrant scents, drying off.

messages detract from the shutters
Captan handsome young men who roam the highways.

Night, moon and stars,
need freshness of dawn and closing bars of Granada

Where will the boys, if dim helmet,
not breathe the vases and plants?

Decorating from nard, the eyes of the beloved,
De abéñula flooded, and sometimes, tears.

attest what is written and anyone can see, moving in Conscious Astral Ginas or to these sacred spaces.

Anointed Christ.

Samael Aun Weor.

PRESIDENT OF WORLD Gnostic Movement.

Ratified by the Gnostic Church of the Higher Worlds in Supremum Sumum Sactuarium in Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia for 19 days at 18:55 hours, the month of February 2008. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM.







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