Friday, February 22, 2008

Beard Color Product In Inida


Monday February 18, 2008.

World Press.



In all honesty say that the indigo children, crystal and diamond are a total reality. This

modernist concept coined the interstellar space brothers to refer to an ancient tradition that we all know. First

say that Indigo children are children than children who exist in every household in the world.

Hyperactive, social, business leaders, who easily move across different vibrational frequencies.

easily fall into duality, consumed as great researchers and scientists, but also if they are not guided properly run the risk of social transgression, ie the other side of the dual sphere, on the left.

Children called for social modernism Indigos are past teachers, spiritual guides, great shamans and clairvoyants.

But for some reason the universe, cosmic law transgressed and fell as divine beings.

Arriving with a new body, these bodistadwas who fell in the past, even brought many of their skills gained in past lives as teachers of the truth.

They really need much attention, support and above all spiritual.

Because due to the extraordinary energy that move, they can progress through the self very easily.


These children are really men in the broadest sense of the word.

In his past life reached 5 / a. Sacred Serpent, made it to the 5 / a. Church of Truth, are true masters of the Heart.

When they reached the profound truth of love, they were asked if they wanted to help humanity to the consecration of Christ or decided to return to the immortal world of the Buddhas. Undoubtedly

decided all of them devoted to the love of the world.

disembodied When your physical body, is reincarnated into a human womb and obtained a physical body of the infant.

These children are born fully aware of everything around them and live with the cunning that characterizes his be real.

therefore are misunderstood by the world, seeing very intelligent but slightly separated from society.

Though at times looking for adaptability to their environment.

is not easy for them to be like their classmates, because they already have great awareness.

His spiritual process of recapitulation, ie have 5 bodies internally and existential being.

And in this life can summarize their expertise in a few years for each body existence. They are

bodistadwas we know from a very young age and look at all costs spirituality.

living it as a truth heart in full consciousness.

When recapitulate the 5 / a. Initiation of Major Mysteries, embody the Christ of the heart and become Worshipful Master.


CRISTOS with human blood, they have also been known since antiquity.

When a special role to play is designated to be to do this mission, there were as many Christs have incarnated in humanity who have reached exceptional features.

Our beloved Master Jesus the Christ was a child diamond.

Master Morya in his time was reincarnated as a human child diamond.

Rabolu Master, now also has a physical body and is a boy Diamond.

Master Saint Germain, Diamond was a child.

Myself Samael, in this lifetime Diamond was born as a child.

And there are more children who believe diamonds only just set forth some of them.

How children come into the world diamond?

are Christs in the past completed their process of self-realization.

and merge the Great Cosmic Nest, the Absolute.

Once they do, in the nest cosmic asked to continue helping the world and for that prepares them in a special way.

need a mother who is a high priestess and is prepared from the inner worlds for this purpose.

trials and tribulations Many parents go to get well-deserved honor, but after this, procea this exceptional being.

say It's like our distant past, a God with human blood.

The wrap process is complete, for them is that after 30 years awaken fully in all spheres.

is also true that nobody knows about them, no physical or psychological characteristics that differentiate them know. Only


is all faith and truth.

Walk by my side ... You know

me ... you still do not know? Find me ...

Want proof? I'll give you


not criticize me without knowing me. Best

Criticame know me then.


Samael Aun Weor. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM. TAO PATAR






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