Saturday, February 16, 2008

Birthday Invitation Wording3

telepathy, OR ENERGY CHANNELING decoder, mediumship AND THE REALITY OF BEING. World Press

Friday February 15, 2008.

World Press.

telepathy, OR ENERGY CHANNELING decoder, mediumship AND THE REALITY OF BEING. First

I announce that the people and not gnostic gnostic many brothers have been to channel energy from other stars, other inhabited worlds.

This has been done since time immemorial, as intergalactic intelligences communicate with humans to help guide at some point a portion of mankind.

Such pipes are of rapport.

And while telepathy is a virtue of our Real Self, it is also true that when a brother has not completed his first five Initiations of Major Mysteries in the process of self and non-starred as his real self as a teacher of the heart, Telepathy can not ensure a 100% successful. Because

even in a large part of his consciousness lies dormant ego much information source and can easily transgiversar according to how you feel and see their own lives.

Furthermore: Channeling Energy

is an expression of a select group of people, who in the past was born with the mission and recognized from childhood, being educated by teachers of his time.

In order to assist the peoples and nations to make important decisions.

These people were known as prophesy prophets women and men.

His telepathic connection was not really was connected with the Great Spirit Directly. Direct

was said ... Heart to Heart ...

Heart of the Prophet to the heart of the Great Spirit Unnamable.
Temple in Delphi and delighted everyone busy for countless generations there were beings who appear from time to time to help a people out of their spiritual bankruptcy and energy.

These were human beings who could withstand terrible trials, that no ordinary human being would do, only that he was predestined for this purpose.

energy that moved from the seventh chakra was the big difference, because they could decode Polyvision and consciously.

were terrible also clairvoyant and clairaudience.

This type of human beings either men or women were known as astronomical satellite. Due to its

Polyvision emanating from the seventh chakra could observe any movement, thought, attitude, people, nature or the cosmos itself.

are also known as creatures of the 4 / a. note, because the fourth note of music is the FA, and the Rune FA is the first of the sacred vocal.

That is, they represented the FA MAYOR., The rune.

They were the first humans to receive the rays of the sun god Central.

This has nothing to do with mediumship, we know from experience that mediumship is a Bio-physical process Paranormal in which the personality of a deceased man, enters sub-channels or chakras alternate side and enter the dead are held in the 6 / a. vertebra of the spine.

This has been observed by scientists directly spiritual help to people when they have possession of those demonic call him, myself in particular have in this life experience I could help more than one person get rid of this kind of dead as he is known in the human world.

When a character enters or dead body of a person have different symptoms including as

blackouts, epileptic type seizures, dizziness, spontaneous falls, tremors in the body, bite their lips, there is a supernatural force in these people, suffering from nerve atrophy, tetany in the body and often slips her saliva including foam lips.

know that this kind of practice is extremely harmful to our physical body because there are nerve and muscle atrophy.

Our nervous system undergoes changes and causes serious mental and physical wear for people.

karmically as it is known today, also has consequences, because in our next lives, illness of type seizure.

know that there are over 40 types of apilepcia, qualified by the scientific world, although in reality there are only 20 others are real and psychosomatic problems of scientific and spiritual science is not explained and placed inside the box Epilepsy, also called Spiritual Emergency by prominent scientists.


When a person plays his Real Being in the state of Buddha which is a state of total awareness, this is known as being awake.

Being awake is to be one with everything, to be with all, is to live everything is connected with the mortality.

This can not describe in words, but that Being who has embodied the Buddha within, knows that we are talking about.

This is known as the merger of Being in the Sixth Church.

At this stage of spiritual work, the baby Jesus is born in man, in ourselves and are living their own process of working with the goddess of truth, Maia, Maria, Mather Mystic.

Triune is at this time as being, auque lacks a lot of process to go.

Christmas was a success to this point and was rocked in his cradle by the Magi.

Although the scriptures only speak of worship, in fact part of the worship of a child God is the rock it to rest after fatal terrible trials and physical death that has been submitted previously.

therefore assert that a twice-born does not use all the tools described above, for your Self knows everything.

and knows what to do at every moment of your life. Everyday

Buddha observed the universe and moving harmoniously tuned with, communicating with his heart, his singing overwhelming.

This is what I tell you VILLAGE Gnostic.

The path of the heart is all that lead us to wholeness. Chastity

Heart is total, total purity is total service, is total dedication to the work of the beautiful symphony of love.

Violin, shivering with your notes to my brother, the mystic and tell him I returned and Born Twice.

Pater Noster. Tell

areas of the duality that I'm here to show my son with all the knowledge of my being.

Tell my people I'm the one he left and promised to return to complete their work.

tell them that I am not a god, just tell them you are a messenger of your word.

Because I am the Universe Worm Absolute Abstract. CANTA


(We are a people Santo).



Samael Aun Weor. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM. TAO PATAR







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