Friday, April 11, 2008

How To Connect Headset To Landline Phone

The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls.

One night, en route to a party and in the interior of a taxi, discovers his mother Jeanette rummaging through a dumpster in New York. This is the beginning of this terribly funny and compelling novel of American writer Jeannette Walls.
Through the pages of the novel know the story of the Walls family, white trash, but with a high proficiency in self-esteem, pleasure to live and madness. "My mother would read Faulkner, Hemingway and apologized to us saying that he knew that this was not good literature." An alcoholic parent but with a great sense of rebellion and science, a mother more concerned about herself, but at the same time instilling their children to be independent, is the framework which develops sentimental education, moral and more of the novel.
Rex Walls see how your child is stolen from the hospital after it is burned with hot water, how they live in an abandoned train station, how to become heirs to a huge house in Phoenix and leave everything to go to Walch, a poor mining town in Virginia, where they become the poorest of the poor. And with economic poverty, and sometimes spiritual, there is always the excitement of building a castle of glass to take him out of all their problems.
not know what else to say about this excellent novel. It made me laugh, made me feel a stab in the heart, were intrigued me, as in the chapter where Jeannette has not had to eat and she stole food from the trash and when I got home, finds her hiding, eating a huge bar of chocolate and excuse is: forgive son, but as her father is addicted to alcohol, I'm on sugars.
Wow, excellent novel. Mexico has not yet reached, but in June may be achieved in all the libraries released under the seal of SUM of letters, editorial Santillana.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Does Ol Mean In Football Positions

Malinche, Laura Esquivel

All Mexican writer, I assume, somewhere in his life as a reader and a hunter of stories, likes to write "his novel about the conquest. No is for more. Conquest is an epic territory, perhaps, our last epic territory, because the independence and other historical paraphernalia that we are saddled with the historical and national government can always be faulted or lent to other interests.
And if there is an interesting character throughout this period, that is the Malinche, or Malinalli. What makes Laura Esquivel with this historical character? Something very simple but at the same time, fabulous: rebuilt, giving a new voice and above all, give a typical sensitivity. Do not be fooled the reader into thinking that Malinche find a wicked, treacherous and fraught of these historical impositions that can fit into a character as well as controversial as Malinalli (Malinche was really short, as Malinche means "The Lord of Malinalli.)
Esquivel In this novel gives an insight Malinalli on culture, with doubts, fears, with concern, nostalgic and ultimately becomes a kind of baton change between pre-Hispanic deities and new deity. "I am the new world," she says Malinalli his mother, who had left to his own small, selling to a merchant, but later the same Malinalli realdiad eventually gives in, only change this world of form, but will still the same world.
Malinche is a tribute to the indigenous and nostalgia alive, especially in Cuauhtemoc's last order to his people: "Let the fathers and mothers do not forget to tell your children what has so far been under Anahuac our lord and close together, our Lord Ometeotl-Ometecuhtli, and as a result of costumbrs and lessons that our elders and our parents instilled so hard that they instilled in us. not forget to tell your children what one day shall be the Anahuac for us all. After being long night the sixth sun will rise to be a blazing sun. "
So, hopefully the sixth sun. At least the words of which was this Anahuac come in Malinche.
Publisher: Suma de Letras
Country: Mexico
p. 244

Why Does My Cockapoo Vomit

was born Ice, Nora Roberts,

Ice Born is just the first part of the trilogy Conccanon sisters. Irish, devoted to family or art, reading the lives of these sisters is surfacing in a peaceful happy world where unhappiness inclusola, ends attenuated for a better future. Ice Born in itself tells the story of Brianna or Brie Conccanon, being single and the stormy relationship she has with her mother, Maeve, for whom the church is all that must exist in the universe.
Brie has a rural hotel called Blacktorn Cottage, and is, literally, a delight to imagine this hotel located in the Irish countryside, with a greenhouse, and oven friendly neighbors always ready for all type of cakes, pies, pies and beef in juice, while the protagonist ensarza in a fight for conquest and love Graysson Thane, a writer of bestsellers always fleeing from himself and writes.
unpretentious novel "? Yes, but novel to be read easily, with pleasure, without much alaraca writers, but with good intention of simply telling a story the reader friendly. Highly recommended if you one wants to escape to gustooooo ...! as my sister R.
Publisher: Suma de Letras.
Country: United States.
Pages: 544

Friday, February 22, 2008

Which Is More Satisfactorily Repalced


Friday February 22, 2008.

World Press.



and Ohmega Alpha, the first and the last, saith the Lord of hosts, and you

beloved people tell you, to speed up your spiritual learning, because the end times are a reality.

Above all I have to say that Revelation began with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

continued with Perestroika (in Russian перестройка, which means restructuring), followed by the famine in Africa, killing more of one million three hundred fifty thousand people, the Persian Gulf War in late July 1990, the Balkan war in Kosovo in 1991, the fall of the twin towers on September 11, 2001, then the war in Iraq 2003.

unparalleled natural disasters have occurred in recent times as the Tsunami victims who ate more than you think, because we could not account for being an international disaster. Internally

know who died in the great disaster of biblical proportions 3,620,000 ochocientas twenty. Many

entire villages disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace in a moment and turned land Axis 2.4 degrees.

Squaring the universe change with it and everything began to change.

already had news of this advance, and many believed in it, but many others we are offended because I spent 2000 and did not disappear from the face of the earth as prophesied since the beginning of time.

When speaking in my past life that never would come to 2000 was because at that time was a reality, everyone was on the verge of the final catastrophe.

Many teachers never knew that we would know the 2001 but once again the Great Father Mother Eagle Mayor, money and expanded the universe a little time, we sought to enable all our spiritual truth.

The end times were not completed, have actually begun.

In all honesty say that Hercolubus, is an oddity of the planet that every so often about our solar system and its atomic energy completely transformed.

saying that the expanded time I mean we have not overcome the danger posed by this red planet, just say that what we were going to live in a few decades to come observe him in a few hundred years.

This is because the square of the space is curved, this will let in evidence by offering the Albert Einstein World Theory Relativity.

And move the square a few years ago, Hercolubus spend a little more distant land than expected and only leave serious sequelae such as severe distress in the population and we have been watching weather.

This has allowed us to think we can make a work of much larger task than we had thought, when urged by the cosmic error on the meteor Hercolubus.

All these physical phenomena, psychological and social experience in recent times are the product of the approach of this planet, who comes from time to time in our solar system. And

This strongly affirm that earthquakes continue moving the earth, tidal waves return to the seas. Floods and droughts

long the product will remain the approach of the red planet.

Have we redefined the task of the mission?

No, we have narrowed only because it is a wonderful opportunity to unite in one family and continue the cycle back to the parent.

And why was that our Great Spirit god us the opportunity to continue to coexist as brothers in this land?

- Because he saw repentance and learning in children.

authentic This is why the opportunity provided. This

is a special time to think in terms of opportunities.

Yes, We have great opportunities to work for the sake of humanity and transform it completely. Listen

beloved people:

-order was delayed a bit.


once more for love my children.

Having the opportunity to redeem mankind from our mistakes and start a total return together to the eternal consummation. Download "

Guard, Salvation Army?

- never.

would be a fatal error.

Because then if everything would collapse, this will We know we are fully aware.

twice-born All we know that the Apocalypse has begun and will not cease until the end of time.

We have until then to bring all our brothers to the inner Self of Being

How is this done?

- completely remove our ego, being terribly chaste in physical sexuality, words and deeds.
- And Loving Deeply humanity, showing selfless service to our fellow man.

"Because the day of reckoning is today, because today we have the opportunity to show repentance and change our life completely.

Because the Great Judgement is coming and there will be a great fit of Auditors, for the living and the dead. No one escaped

that trial will end and then the pain and gnashing of teeth and they will know until then that the prophets and teachers who were at his side they never lie and then regret terribly not having listened to heart and have not transformed their lives as we ask them at the time. Because

Christs on earth we're not playing, we have come to teach the way of the razor's edge that is the dissolution of the ego, chastity is 100% terrible sexual and love of neighbor.

unconditional support to their parents, grandparents, Elderly, orphans and their spiritual guides.

Because they have given up everything for love of suffering humanity.

And we've seen very lightly by my beloved people.

But I tell my people that they are ingratiated me and the glory for them will not be waiting when they finish their mission on earth is my mission.

And also to those who help with all your heart to my children, missionaries, which I chose them all from before birth by his mother's heart so big they have, yet they are men or women. Beloved

are my children, loving their brothers.
Blessed are the Chosen People
to deeply love their brothers.

Hallowed be your name children of the corn and beans. Healthy heart

killed by the storm of insult you. Amen


eternal Christ, the incarnation is calling.
Anointed Christ.

Samael Aun Weor.

PRESIDENT OF WORLD Gnostic Movement.

Ratified by the Gnostic Church of the Higher Worlds in Supremum Sumum Sactuarium in Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia for 19 days at 18:55 hours, the month of February 2008. BUDDHA









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Senior Trip Myrtle Party Houses

the summum supremum SACTUARIUM

February 21, 2008.

World Press.

the summum supremum SACTUARIUM

In the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, started many years ago a project of the White Lodge and the Sacred College of initiative, supported by the Gnostic Church of the higher worlds.

Sactuarium This project was a physical within the earth, symbolizing the birth of a new humanity, it was there on October 27 Unforgettable, came to Earth Genius Force and make an appearance in my Real Being Involved A Magnificent sun.

In those days there was a great delight by the way my brothers and myself, all champions remarkable of the Age of Aquarium.

This project is carried out with great physical pain, lack of all kinds, while our mission priestess wife indescribable suffering for lack of financial resources for our families and for failing to fully understand our divine madness, that clearly looked as a nonsense of a group of friends.

When we had to advance along the path of the razor's edge between crossroads and thunder, finally finished the process.

After finishing our sactuarium physically, actually still lacked many details, was blessed by our international mission VM Saladin who once referred to as Diogenes solar Christ, which at that time served as abbot of the monastery. Internally

experienced an unprecedented process. Amen

say the names of the members of the first formula started, all we experience physical processes and internal fantastic beyond description.

Reality is moved from Ginas, a missionary monasteries of the higher worlds and merged to Sumum Supremum Sactuarium.

There he became a Real Expeditionary Force Legions of Light. Merging the

we found that we were in the earthquake of 68 that kills almost all, the earthquake was.

After this process of readjustment of mother earth, completely changed the face of this holy place.

the death of my previous physical body, the initiatory physical school as we called for love in "Nevada", is guarded by special people.

Terrible Guardians of the Sacred College of Initiates aka, Fermines of the Legion of Light "

initiatory Fermín in the world is the figure of the storm terrible embodied in a being, with special features to take care of sacred spaces.

Almost all the peoples of the world, there are these terrible things to care for the population from attacks by creatures of darkness.

Those with enough courage, you can go out at night and rely on them, they appear in the midst of an incomprehensible curtain of fire and light, can engage in physical communication with us if we have the courage to withstand their power.

The name was coined in Atlantis and the tradition continued to ancient Greece and means
sacrosanct. They are gone

Absolute Abstract Space, they are gods in the broadest sense of the word and many have physical body on earth, that is how we live and have families, chaste become terrible.

and his Alchemical Wedding dress is always a reality. In

I walk through this world, I have met them and brought dozens of physical and internal communication.

They are also called Guardian Angels by society.

Distinguish between Guardian Angels and Guardians. We

All Guardian Angels and Rangers are special people different, that no one can recognize whether it is through the cable car view of the seventh chakra.

This is the time to apologize to all members of my people and especially teachers awake reading this message, because really talk much, but I consider it necessary to clarify these points are in the air our Gnostic students worldwide.

This is due to correspondence waking Teachers who have written me and asked to talk less, say more than talking less.

As you can see in the unveiling I give my endorsement as Chairman of Gnostic World of the Gnostic Church of the higher worlds.

I said it was in Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia and this is real, because the Energy Office of Gnosticism really is in this great city, which have called for many years the Holy See in the World Gnostic Movement. And

Supremum Sumum Sactuarium was moved to a coordinate within the said city and not in the Sierra Nevada due to the difficult situation facing our brother and beloved country Colombia, which is why we clarify this point.

The physical sanctuary in the Sierra Nevada is still standing and is not within the Ginas world because we have faith in the future, to change the situation of our brother country and we can merge again, the physical temple to the Most Holy Monastery of Higher Worlds.

(By: Rafael Marañon).

hear the wind sing my Sierra Nevada;
The perpetual snow and ineffable ballad.

Its beauty is immense, round and huge, grandiose
his presence, his distinctive profile. His superb

walked the droves of mules, burdened by their load paths. And the brave

snowfields in the magnificent peaks
They take the hard ice of deep caves.

and return singing through deep gorges to the dry
city that looks as fresh.

transiting Bold cliffs and canyons, trails uncertain

abysmal passing through life stealing from the mountain to give
Its fresh snow to sunshine,

From lofty peaks and rugged hillsides,
They offer a feast of splendor everywhere.

Do "is the clean snow? "Do the ice is stored
For though deep and hidden these snowfields are?

rude people who struggle, and the mountain snow ice
snatch steals and gullies.

who strive and probe the deep in the mountains,
Collecting with effort, booty white frost Granada

That feverish longing nostalgically
And the coolness of the Vega, poplar and acacia,

Acequia del Genil , rivulets of the Alhambra,
That is a delicate gem, is queen of ancestry.

For as graceful lady of haze so harsh rigors
not supported, which reduced its fragrance.

And every afternoon sun, morning and night, with rays Blighted
the fragrant basil. That

love your perfume, Sacromonte and the Alhambra, Del Albaicín
the streets, haunted nights

For fine filigree neat azaleas, carnations
And radiant eyes that brunos saved.

thirst and the heat its softness break;
Its fragrant scents, drying off.

messages detract from the shutters
Captan handsome young men who roam the highways.

Night, moon and stars,
need freshness of dawn and closing bars of Granada

Where will the boys, if dim helmet,
not breathe the vases and plants?

Decorating from nard, the eyes of the beloved,
De abéñula flooded, and sometimes, tears.

attest what is written and anyone can see, moving in Conscious Astral Ginas or to these sacred spaces.

Anointed Christ.

Samael Aun Weor.

PRESIDENT OF WORLD Gnostic Movement.

Ratified by the Gnostic Church of the Higher Worlds in Supremum Sumum Sactuarium in Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia for 19 days at 18:55 hours, the month of February 2008. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM.







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Transferring Voicemail On Computer


Wednesday February 20, 2008.

World Press.

Dear Brother in Christ,

Mr. Osiris Gomez Garrido Director of IGA. AC. Peace


It is my honor to address your distinguished person to tell you about the activities that bring me through this world.

of greatly disturbs me that you've started a crucifixion to me, just for the fact ensure that I am the incarnation of Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez. Which carries the label Real Samael Aun Weor.

convinced is that I'm a total farce and has revealed that you know me, simply a charlatan with people and friends liderea nearby.

you believe that if they really were her father who in life took the name of Victor Emmanuel, the first should have gone with you and hipatia.

You have to know about the ease with which this at this time of the Gnostic movement and the difficulty that exists between you to communicate with each other.

The only truth in gnosis is that you are the leader of a great institution that I loved Arlonda Founded after my physical atomic transition. Believe

child, you know what does your father is true, but you talked like a master awake. Isis

my beloved daughter told me about you, before he died, was very worried about what he saw and felt great dismay that his brothers were so far apart.

We thought we could meet in Mexico City in a Café, along with hipatia. We thought

hipatia agree, just that you feared for his temper he has.

This was talked about in the city of Aguascalientes in a restaurant, months before she died. Isis

told me that her sister would talk to Hypatia and then try to speak with moderation of the issue for you to be more relaxed to get my person.

You know this invention and is not completely true. Want

I will show you that Samael Aun Weor, who in another life was his father physically? I'll show

... But tell me ... After passing the tests you put me, I handed the institution founded by Master Litelantes my instructions?

Whatever you decide and continue to disseminate in the Gnostic networks will ask you to please allow me to acknowledge Dr. Ana Ceja and Elena, as members of IGA. And a teacher of Gnostic Foundation.

Because you must know that the Doctor is a great warrior who is now in a process of recapitulation of 5 / a. Senior and still not fully conscious, but has and wakes up a large portion of it.

And in all honesty say that she is a terrible caste girl girl, golden belly and sings like a god in the internal.

other lives have ingrown 6 Sacred Serpent, Six Existential Bodies of the Self

And Ana Ceja that both loves you is a being outside of series that his past life was a beautiful nun who transformed the world of his time.

Her name was Joan of Arc, terrible woman, who belonged to the Knights Templar.

internally now attends the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries.

I'd just like to thank your fine attentions to receive this letter, that copied my people, in order to clarify our sincere friendship you have shown resilience in the direction of AC IGA.

I to serve in my email and physically in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Sincerely


Anointed Christ.

Samael Aun Weor.

PRESIDENT OF WORLD Gnostic Movement.

Ratified by the Gnostic Church of the Higher Worlds in Supremum Sumum Sactuarim in Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia for 19 days at 18:55 hours, the month of February 2008. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM. TAO PATAR







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Any Straight Glory Holes In New York?

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Beard Color Product In Inida


Monday February 18, 2008.

World Press.



In all honesty say that the indigo children, crystal and diamond are a total reality. This

modernist concept coined the interstellar space brothers to refer to an ancient tradition that we all know. First

say that Indigo children are children than children who exist in every household in the world.

Hyperactive, social, business leaders, who easily move across different vibrational frequencies.

easily fall into duality, consumed as great researchers and scientists, but also if they are not guided properly run the risk of social transgression, ie the other side of the dual sphere, on the left.

Children called for social modernism Indigos are past teachers, spiritual guides, great shamans and clairvoyants.

But for some reason the universe, cosmic law transgressed and fell as divine beings.

Arriving with a new body, these bodistadwas who fell in the past, even brought many of their skills gained in past lives as teachers of the truth.

They really need much attention, support and above all spiritual.

Because due to the extraordinary energy that move, they can progress through the self very easily.


These children are really men in the broadest sense of the word.

In his past life reached 5 / a. Sacred Serpent, made it to the 5 / a. Church of Truth, are true masters of the Heart.

When they reached the profound truth of love, they were asked if they wanted to help humanity to the consecration of Christ or decided to return to the immortal world of the Buddhas. Undoubtedly

decided all of them devoted to the love of the world.

disembodied When your physical body, is reincarnated into a human womb and obtained a physical body of the infant.

These children are born fully aware of everything around them and live with the cunning that characterizes his be real.

therefore are misunderstood by the world, seeing very intelligent but slightly separated from society.

Though at times looking for adaptability to their environment.

is not easy for them to be like their classmates, because they already have great awareness.

His spiritual process of recapitulation, ie have 5 bodies internally and existential being.

And in this life can summarize their expertise in a few years for each body existence. They are

bodistadwas we know from a very young age and look at all costs spirituality.

living it as a truth heart in full consciousness.

When recapitulate the 5 / a. Initiation of Major Mysteries, embody the Christ of the heart and become Worshipful Master.


CRISTOS with human blood, they have also been known since antiquity.

When a special role to play is designated to be to do this mission, there were as many Christs have incarnated in humanity who have reached exceptional features.

Our beloved Master Jesus the Christ was a child diamond.

Master Morya in his time was reincarnated as a human child diamond.

Rabolu Master, now also has a physical body and is a boy Diamond.

Master Saint Germain, Diamond was a child.

Myself Samael, in this lifetime Diamond was born as a child.

And there are more children who believe diamonds only just set forth some of them.

How children come into the world diamond?

are Christs in the past completed their process of self-realization.

and merge the Great Cosmic Nest, the Absolute.

Once they do, in the nest cosmic asked to continue helping the world and for that prepares them in a special way.

need a mother who is a high priestess and is prepared from the inner worlds for this purpose.

trials and tribulations Many parents go to get well-deserved honor, but after this, procea this exceptional being.

say It's like our distant past, a God with human blood.

The wrap process is complete, for them is that after 30 years awaken fully in all spheres.

is also true that nobody knows about them, no physical or psychological characteristics that differentiate them know. Only


is all faith and truth.

Walk by my side ... You know

me ... you still do not know? Find me ...

Want proof? I'll give you


not criticize me without knowing me. Best

Criticame know me then.


Samael Aun Weor. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM. TAO PATAR






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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Birthday Invitation Wording3

telepathy, OR ENERGY CHANNELING decoder, mediumship AND THE REALITY OF BEING. World Press

Friday February 15, 2008.

World Press.

telepathy, OR ENERGY CHANNELING decoder, mediumship AND THE REALITY OF BEING. First

I announce that the people and not gnostic gnostic many brothers have been to channel energy from other stars, other inhabited worlds.

This has been done since time immemorial, as intergalactic intelligences communicate with humans to help guide at some point a portion of mankind.

Such pipes are of rapport.

And while telepathy is a virtue of our Real Self, it is also true that when a brother has not completed his first five Initiations of Major Mysteries in the process of self and non-starred as his real self as a teacher of the heart, Telepathy can not ensure a 100% successful. Because

even in a large part of his consciousness lies dormant ego much information source and can easily transgiversar according to how you feel and see their own lives.

Furthermore: Channeling Energy

is an expression of a select group of people, who in the past was born with the mission and recognized from childhood, being educated by teachers of his time.

In order to assist the peoples and nations to make important decisions.

These people were known as prophesy prophets women and men.

His telepathic connection was not really was connected with the Great Spirit Directly. Direct

was said ... Heart to Heart ...

Heart of the Prophet to the heart of the Great Spirit Unnamable.
Temple in Delphi and delighted everyone busy for countless generations there were beings who appear from time to time to help a people out of their spiritual bankruptcy and energy.

These were human beings who could withstand terrible trials, that no ordinary human being would do, only that he was predestined for this purpose.

energy that moved from the seventh chakra was the big difference, because they could decode Polyvision and consciously.

were terrible also clairvoyant and clairaudience.

This type of human beings either men or women were known as astronomical satellite. Due to its

Polyvision emanating from the seventh chakra could observe any movement, thought, attitude, people, nature or the cosmos itself.

are also known as creatures of the 4 / a. note, because the fourth note of music is the FA, and the Rune FA is the first of the sacred vocal.

That is, they represented the FA MAYOR., The rune.

They were the first humans to receive the rays of the sun god Central.

This has nothing to do with mediumship, we know from experience that mediumship is a Bio-physical process Paranormal in which the personality of a deceased man, enters sub-channels or chakras alternate side and enter the dead are held in the 6 / a. vertebra of the spine.

This has been observed by scientists directly spiritual help to people when they have possession of those demonic call him, myself in particular have in this life experience I could help more than one person get rid of this kind of dead as he is known in the human world.

When a character enters or dead body of a person have different symptoms including as

blackouts, epileptic type seizures, dizziness, spontaneous falls, tremors in the body, bite their lips, there is a supernatural force in these people, suffering from nerve atrophy, tetany in the body and often slips her saliva including foam lips.

know that this kind of practice is extremely harmful to our physical body because there are nerve and muscle atrophy.

Our nervous system undergoes changes and causes serious mental and physical wear for people.

karmically as it is known today, also has consequences, because in our next lives, illness of type seizure.

know that there are over 40 types of apilepcia, qualified by the scientific world, although in reality there are only 20 others are real and psychosomatic problems of scientific and spiritual science is not explained and placed inside the box Epilepsy, also called Spiritual Emergency by prominent scientists.


When a person plays his Real Being in the state of Buddha which is a state of total awareness, this is known as being awake.

Being awake is to be one with everything, to be with all, is to live everything is connected with the mortality.

This can not describe in words, but that Being who has embodied the Buddha within, knows that we are talking about.

This is known as the merger of Being in the Sixth Church.

At this stage of spiritual work, the baby Jesus is born in man, in ourselves and are living their own process of working with the goddess of truth, Maia, Maria, Mather Mystic.

Triune is at this time as being, auque lacks a lot of process to go.

Christmas was a success to this point and was rocked in his cradle by the Magi.

Although the scriptures only speak of worship, in fact part of the worship of a child God is the rock it to rest after fatal terrible trials and physical death that has been submitted previously.

therefore assert that a twice-born does not use all the tools described above, for your Self knows everything.

and knows what to do at every moment of your life. Everyday

Buddha observed the universe and moving harmoniously tuned with, communicating with his heart, his singing overwhelming.

This is what I tell you VILLAGE Gnostic.

The path of the heart is all that lead us to wholeness. Chastity

Heart is total, total purity is total service, is total dedication to the work of the beautiful symphony of love.

Violin, shivering with your notes to my brother, the mystic and tell him I returned and Born Twice.

Pater Noster. Tell

areas of the duality that I'm here to show my son with all the knowledge of my being.

Tell my people I'm the one he left and promised to return to complete their work.

tell them that I am not a god, just tell them you are a messenger of your word.

Because I am the Universe Worm Absolute Abstract. CANTA


(We are a people Santo).



Samael Aun Weor. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM. TAO PATAR






Karate Sparing Technique

invite you to join the Great Cofraternidad Gnostic.

is a group of friends to form a force in common, to support each other, belonging to any institution gnostic or not and that we form an alliance and recognize as our master Samael Aun Weor.

And we know that is incarnated in the body of the Bodistadwa, Jose Guadalupe Herrera Rdz.

We invite you to visit our blog ... and consider subscribing to directly share their wisdom all immortal. We know that CUCHAMAPAMAC

CHEN NUM, as we knew him to its unveiling, is a master of 6 / a. Senior and has a triune process at this time.

know and we witness that WEOR.o CUCHAMPAMAC CHEN SAMAEL AUN NO, has embodied his Real Being and is fully aware, in all realities Ser

also know that Samael Aun Weor, Poser ability to move through the higher dimensions of nature.

We must ensure, with the gift of ubiquity and has shown at times to His disciples.

Plasty We must ensure that EnCana has his Real Self

also know that the group of pleyades Tetha Bheta And, protect your process of self from birth second, when I enter the 5 / a. Seniors on the ground, 43 motherships bheta up the group, we know students of intergalactic space.

know that nature is moving under the rule of Samael Crestos. We find

Languages \u200b\u200bspoken cosmic 2817, including the languages \u200b\u200bof the land, such as, English, French, German, Chinese, Tibetan, etc., etc. ..
Pleiadian, Language intergalactic, coptco, etc ... physical well with his mouth.

And got to get your hands initiation of Christos Triune Immortal Sabahot Elias as the Ancient of Days which is Samael Aun Weor, on Lake Pazcuaro in Morelia Michoacan, Mexico.

the Blog is:

And now we can subscribe to Great Cofraternidad Gnostic.

the Saluda.

(I the crazy tireless). Pentagram



remain in touch.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meaning Tender Breasts


Thursday February 7, 2008.

World Press.

Day love and affection.

we come to February 14 and once again the cries and glamours of people are rushing to stores to find a last minute purchase to meet a social rule for our loved ones.

February 14 is the date in which women and men have been waiting to receive a demonstration of love, affection and respect.
Years passed ancient
that celebrating the love and affection with words, verses and stanzas.

Rhymes and things we shared heart to connect with the abundant honey that comes from our heart overwhelming.

Loving, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends to the rhythm of a melody and took advantage to heal our majestic art of making things better every day.

This day is a special day because it is the exact cosmic time for giving and sharing things between two people who love and admire, human admiration is healthy when you live from the heart.

Today, meet friends home field and just under the pretext of smoking and drinking liquor.

Other times were, when our descendants met the rhythm of the waves, Radiance Chain of Love, playing and singing in honor of our Great God.

differentiated transgressions divisions found in our institutions dedicated to live in love.

Where is then a kind word uttered by the priest in our temples of initiation?

Why talk so much of selfishness if we can not see even in a picture, much less understand the brother who thinks a little different to us?

Do we show love to close the doors of our heart a being that is not in our institution?

So tell me something:

Missionary, Teacher, Priest, Teacher, Mystic Isis.

Do you understand what you yourself say to your students and disciples?

Caro mine, you think that you speak and self-realization? Or do

need to live in the flesh all that your teachers have told you?

My son, You're Majesty. Worms

just seems that we are.

But it is true that the ego parasite lives in our soul.

And we need to completely clear.

Life is hard and abundant honey.

need together in an eternal melody. Associations

separated anymore, divorce only when there is no love, so it was always said.

require urgent to unite in one word. Self-


And never again criticize the disgraced brother of his ego is ...

Disunity exists for a fraction of truth that exists in every human heart.

If at this moment all our guides and instructors, missionaries and teachers awaken his conscience would drive in an instant. I talk to join

heart and really talk to unify the word in a single institution.

institution of knowledge and always has been called the Gnosis.

Gnosis is then: Scientific knowledge of truth. Difficult

unification teachers say.

I'll tell you why it is so difficult:

Because we seek the truth only in the expression of our mind and not in the love that emanates from our emancipated heart pitchers.

Who says I own the truth?

Many will say: BE MY OWN.

And now I ask: Who is

Aware of the Truth?

And with the palm of my hand I say that sadly only a few.


there are more than two who have done well.

When we found nothing to say, only we, we smile and say: WE.

what do we say to the world?

That key is self-conscious love.

love one ... just that simple.

At this level of consciousness there is total unity.

Does anyone still think that without love can be a terribly divine self-realize?

'm stupid if I think so.

total Chastity Truth and Love is not same.

Only this formula you can fulfill themselves.

February 14.

Do we have something to celebrate?


We celebrate the glorious coming of the Age of Aquarium.

celebrate the beginning of the Golden Age of Humanity and the Birth of teachers devoted to cosmic love.

Isis celebrate with the wives of the missionaries who without them would be nothing.

They are the true heroes of the movement dedicated to living Christ.

Live music to my ears is the unconditional love of Self that awaits us when we have to be away for evidence of life.

Pentatallotl my Real Self made woman. And

pentatallotl are all missionaries who sacrifice for love, waiting for the day and time to get reunited with your loved one.

have faith.

Right. Amado

mine ... I'm all yours .. walk giving yourself to me ... you only live for you ... mine ... clámame
Amado at night and be completely yours.

So says my beloved every night, from Crystal Palace.

Once again we celebrate all things that have made possible the sharing of knowledge from Lemuria to our wonderful time.

Holy God, Paters nosters, CLANTING PASKLINL (We will be one), TLAKIN Salpin (Shepherding me).

will say something:

Meeting and Love

PAXISPRINTLIN (We'll Walk You in the storm). Sing

my people.

Meet at peace. Sacred

name is the Lord God of the Universe. EL GRAN GALLO



Inborr, ALPHA AND Ohmega.





Clámenme and have the proof that I am the Rider Terrible White Horse: CHEN CUCHAMPAMAC

Samael Aun Weor.

(Storm I).

All you speak is Tlaloclain Absolutlict language.

Crestos In Presence of Cosmic. SANAT-KUMARA

. Ten

penalty my son pass the land to plant my Self

because by paying you and AM Farmer.

Let me help you grow, Olivo ferment to change everything sacred. Wine

Oliva is the Work at the End of Time. Vine Wine

already ingratiated. Sacred

mine thanks for having such faith in me. I nursed

I have.

Fe Territorial argue. Judge
Eres Tu Pater Noster.

Father of Anubis, god of Human Karma. SANAT-KUMARA

, PATER TAKE ME TO THE ALUMINITATIANCIA MYSTIC (Light of my soul and spirit postponement until the end) Let us cry

all Humana. So


Samael Aun Weor. BUDDHA

MAITREYA, FIFTH intensified Spirit of the Triune God, Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, REGENT'S ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE, THE WHITE HORSE RIDER, Pentagram AM. TAO PATAR







What To Do On New Years Eve If Under 21

For my brother with all my heart

Thanks for writing ...

are always in my heart ...

knows you to your soul ... it's on .... I know you are ... of Golden ... indeed ... and I deeply respect ...

My crazy one day ... will understand .... I'm just a brother .. who loves you .. you and your family .....

My idea is born .. of something called ... wake up .... something like ....

.. I'm just a spray I come to break the law ... I am of yours ....

Together we have been for millennia ... and we know what we are ....

I'm just ... brother ... and I would like ... continue with your love as always ....

'll always be for me ... what you are ... A Red ... Green Dress ... Hooded ... Golden .... Conscious

'm here and there .... I am what I say because it embodies what I am,

Forgive me for my eloquence ... because I am fully aware ... now .....

You're my guardian ... Thanks for being and Ser ... Eloquence

I have ... and I'm ...

Ten Piedad de Mi ... I am a king as you ...

I walked and raised .... I

offender ... because theft .. without it ...

I say ... I am because I have large memories .. Ethnicity my God ... I am aware in all situations ....

I Love You ... Maritza

say hello to ... My mother .......

Love mine ....

Mitogercia am .... because I was born to be a myth ... no one understood .....,

Salta Mio ... and you know ... Orlando ... which moved me with his art of divine madness ...

'm your ... my .... beautiful Teacher I am today ... I'm free ......

I Love Your Brother .... Jose Gpe. Herrera Rdz. Pd

you of mine ... you crazy .. SER are .. Also ...

5 / a. Senior .... You are now .... no game .. but you are master .. also ....



(Obra am)

Surburban Estates Holopaw Florida

World Press

Friday February 1, 2008 World Press

No. 001/2/2008.

Al Pueblo. Peace

I have the honor to announce that:

been more than 5 years of my revelation as CUCHAMPAMAC CHEN NUM.

been more than 30 days since the Great Cofraternidad Gnostic announce that my person is Samael Aun Weor.

I have the time right to participate I'm back.

Many brothers believe what I say and many others do not.

I do not care much really, because I come once more to speak powerfully with courage and reason in my heart.

Life is too short for all and only time will prove us right.

teaching that I bring is the same, has not changed. Lemuria
From gnosis and I talked about with much more reason now speak from the heart of the Great Cofraternidad Gnostic.

I bring a great treasure to me, once again are beautiful books which since 2005 have given the people Gnostic and global.

Books coming out of the Toltec golden knowledge. Books

who call themselves, Gnosis Library Culture Dorada.

are written on the Internet and gifts for everyone. He

knowledge that this hungry heart, you can download free from our culture's editorial gold.

These books are a wonderful complement to what I have written in past lives.

These treaties certainly take us to our own self.
Since I woke up the 5 major mysteries snake, hungry to deliver the knowledge, founded a sibling group of trail:

Anahuac Cultural Foundation.

Which has undertaken so far to deliver non-stop and over time all the writings that I sent to my village, in the form of education, psychology, alchemy and many letters to my heart, listing the student's falling in love along the way to the spirit . Poet

have been for many times that is why the first part of my teaching is written in poetry initiation.

All this in order that he who knows that the scrutiny and take the gold and scarlet of arcane wisdom.

70.816 people are in at this moment my heart and treasure every day more are still signing.

Web page where I have shaped my teaching in and mailing list that replaced the past Airmail is:

Thus, internally I am directing this extraordinary crowd siblings.

am also traveling around my country and the world to interview directly with students, instructors, missionaries, teachers, support and guidance to know them.

I have just returned from a tour we did the Great Cofraternidad Gnostic throughout the Old World Mayan Chichimeca, Toltec and Aztec, among many other cultures who had the honor to visit and are delighted at Ginas state.

All are immortal beings who are living in the 6 / a. Cosmic dimension since yesterday.

In our itinerary we stared at the date and time shown to pazcuaro where the dock of the lake. There

officiate a ceremony at 6 am to disenchant with a fresh tune the lake and days to officiate a ceremony in TLALOCLAIN language, a language spoken only ascended masters.

My person had the honor of officiating and translate it into English.

I must also announce that pazcuaro Lake, part of Michoacán, Republica Mexicana, the Church was submerged Gnostic Higher Worlds, can visit you at Ginas or Astral Awareness.

For those scholars of Truth Conscious.

For those who have asked me how to get out more easily in astral conscious use Floripondio Flower, Everyone knows how.

We know there are many ways out in the astral, but floripondio Flower Elementary, it is called, is at your service to support them at this time.

can help them out in astral conscious awareness or continuously for their night's rest.

Having made the Disenchantment of the Gnostic Church of the Worlds on Lake Superior had the opportunity invite a group of Gnostic brothers, missionaries almost all of them.

All inhabitants of Morelia Michoacán Mexico, Toltec Capital of Ancient Empire. Within

Ceremony surrendered their internal degrees of all of them.

A Gnostic Sister Home in 6 Initiation of Major Mysteries.

Morelia A missionary brother started as Venerable Master of 5 majors.

Wife priestess gave his Grade 4 Introduction of internal and greater mysteries.

a brother and guest of honor, he made a special initiation and consecration as a disciple of the Great Cofraternidad Gnostic.

All this work was physically on top of one of the pazcuaro islands within the lake.

temple there is a physically, paved without walls and the altar is a cross of solid basalt at the time of Lemuria.

If the memory of them all is good, will attest to the world that the work is real experienced and highly sacred.

After living in pazcuaro is to visit the Gnostic groups that they lead, but it was not possible due to the intense work I had to experience.

70 days of fasting and pilgrimage was the beginning of this epic, we're starting.

'm confident that in a sensible time to travel Morelia Michoacan again, to talk with all the esoteric and spiritual public on the reality of spirit and spiritual progress of all students Gnostics, Freemasons, Theosophists, Christian, Rosicrucian who come to this time messenger, messenger of the Most .

Within months I have planned to travel to the country that saw me born in another life bears the name of Victor Emmanuel.

I must also say that many Gnostic brothers have tried to prove the truth of my Real Being and only left with the intention to do so, because I came into the world to do my job, I came not to prove anything.

I'm just doing the mission I was assigned before birth.

and prove who I am, only those teachers, missionaries, teachers, students and students from 2 initial chamber to reach out with your heart in your hand to something much they already have.

Your heart is my heart.

certainty I have of what I say because I have awakened consciousness. People

I see me birth.

Work for Christ Conscious.

I'm all ears to that which I speak. I

grave that I try.

lips that I feel the freshness in my heart.

not get confused I love deeply, because love one is the cause my stay in your home.

Clámame and will be made to be with you. Talk to me and will

response to a special friend willing to be you. Young

am, I have the joy of a universal. Child

am, I have a fresh Christmas tree. Spring

am for those who try to satisfy their being.

deeply love all living things, because I'm in the self-realized.

I have great faith in you people Gnostic, because I came early for work and chores around the sower.

Have faith in me because in the evening wicked storm this tlatoani Quetzalcoatl snake Pater Noster feathered, my real being immortal, ABRAXAS AM TEN PIEDAD, have faith I'm just a third of what it will END CONSUMER. I

Guide and Teacher of the 6 / a Initiation of Major Mysteries, my consciousness is fully awake, and those who wish to speak with my Real Being can do internally and physically.

My personality is gone, there is only me and I'm being incarnated incarnating also KETER Ancient of Days, Pater Noster, SAMAEL SABAOHT.

why I say what I am.



Samael Aun Weor. BUDDHA





(Male Conscious Soy)


Pd can write to this email:

Diva Wrestling Outfit

Great Cofraternidad Gnostica No.001.

Announcement unveiling.

Great Gnostic Fellowship We are a group of friends from different associations Near Gnostic Samael appear or Whom do and recognize as a reincarnation of Buddha Maitrella Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, The White Horse Rider and Five Intensified Spirit of the Great Spirit to Bodistadwa Aun Weor , which was unveiled in years past as Cuchampamac.

The reason he did was poque in ancient times was called Lemuria Num Chen Cuchampamac that means.

Cuchampamac = Rider of the White Horse and Warrior of the Sun Half Day

Chen Num = Sun engulfed in flames.

Which means already made his name.

White Horse Rider in flames.

At this time not as Aun Weor develo because of contradictions in the Gnostic associations and avoid hurt feelings.


Now it is time to continue their work to leave before changing body.

When the child
José Guadalupe Herrera Rodríguez that the time had 4 years of age.

To clarify this was because their other vehicles were not the possibility of containing it and the boy José Guadalupe is a portion of your Real Self, Samael Sabaoht or Ancient of Days, God the Father Sanat Kumara.

and was prepared prior to the end, the boy José Guadalupe Herrera Rodríguez was aware from before birth of atomic restructuring work today.

Master Samael never left this world and when his physical body of Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez disembodied, as part of the holding in the body of José Guadalupe.

In fact it held from before birth because it is the same, reincarnated prepared especially for this purpose.

During the past 12 years to today, has been recapitulating the whole process that I do when beginning his pastoral work in his former body.

12 years spent to recapitulate their initiations younger and older recapitulated date to the sixth initiation of Major Mysteries.

is now a Buddha Initiation of Major Mysteries 6 and continue the process to where you left off previously.

This mentioned process is carried out together with his wife Priestess Litelantes which went through the same process and now the VM Pentatallotl develo as for the reasons mentioned above and found it in the same initiation.

Process She was also wrap and December 28, 2007 was begun in the 6th Initiation.

working time in the ninth sphere is 12 years, which procreated a son of 11-year-old José de Jesús Herrera Negrete.

The VM is embodied in the body of Maria Guadalupe Negrete Bernal was prepared the same way that Master Samael Aun Weor in his postmortem process it embodied his Christ and merged the great ocean of life and rest forever in your home.

Having the certainty that the 24 December 2007 became the Ritual of Initiation Along with his brothers to be incarnate and crossed the Sixth Initiation of Major Mysteries, having starred as the immortal Buddha is fully aware of their process.

For questions and comments, questions and suggestions communicated to the post of Master Samael and Litelantes.


Samael Aun

The Master Litelantes.

We make the following disclosure.
On December 29, 2007, in Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico.