Sunday, January 23, 2011

Left Groin Pain To Touch

Asturias. Picos de Europa

Back in Asturias , our friends, because we like it and it is beautiful.
started the day out of Gijón and our first stop is the lookout Fitu. On the road from Colunga to Arriondas . The lookout has a view of great beauty, so it is a must if the fog and weather permitting.
We continue to Arriondas , location from where starts Sella, which ends in Ribadesella.

Leaving Arriondas and continue to Cangas de Onis . It was lively and the town was crowded with people visiting its medieval market.

Near Cangas , about 2 kilometers away is the Caño Salmon. Where the salmon season and if the river flow permits, can be seen jumping and climbing upstream.

our route through the spectacular Picos de Europa . Our final stop was Potes, a town that belongs to Cantabria, in the region of Liébana .

ate at the Jisu Hotel Restaurant, located at km 8 road Potes-Fuente Dé . Highly recommended place, where you can not fail to try the baked Liebana.
Our intention was to reach Fuente Dé, and power up the cable car, but the weather caused us to go directly to Potes.

Potes is a small town well known of the Picos de Europa . It is a beautiful town. Must not be allowed to stroll the narrow streets of the historic center.

The village concentrating numerous buildings and monuments that were built during the XVII and XVIII.
Its most distinctive building is the Torre del Infantado of the late Middle Ages, where we find the Town Hall. Back
Gijón. We stopped at Ribadesella, a town that had already been done before, where we stopped to take a cider.


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