Monday, January 31, 2011

Kaya Skin Clinic Pricing

End At idle

For a while, the University pays the last day of the month, when previously it was between 26 and 28. The critical financial situation of the Generalitat Valenciana makes or does not enter the amount needed to pay payroll and the AU has to resort to a loan, or makes the entry on the last day of the month.

Of course, we are all affected by it. Like anybody else, you have a mortgage (and the damn Euribor up) and also a loan outstanding and entities financieras quieren cobrar, precisamente, a final de mes. Pues no puede ser. He entrado por Internet a mi cuenta y me han dolido los números rojos de la cuenta de ahorro donde saldo mis deudas, pero como no se me ha ingresado la nómina, pues eso es lo que hay.

Ya lo sé, alguno dirá que porqué me quejo yo, funcionario, de mis problemas financieros... La situación está fea para todo el mundo y aunque yo tengo la suerte de tener un trabajo fijo, la pérdida de poder adquisitivo se nota y los retrasos en los pagos, también.

Y encima viene el güevazos Rajoy, said that when the government fix the economy in two years. Do you have a magic formula for it? Why the silent and not offered to the Government, for the good of the country? Why convention popular Seville a week ago did not leave even a proposal on the subject? Finally, mountebanks power forward.

and citizens, to screw us.

Forges Bullet


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