Thursday, February 17, 2011

Proxima Projector 5100

Shame Castalla Old Town

is not the first time the abandonment Castalla Old Town by the local mayor is reported from this blog. Well, I want to let me play the open letter written by the Friends and Neighbors of the historic center, quite indicative of the chaotic and unfortunate situation that the residents go to the indifference or worse, the continued snub of the representatives of the City , beginning with its visible head, Mr. Pratt.

seems incredible that one billion euros spent on "fixing" areas that were good (sorry for the park!) And will not be reversed to recover the degraded area. In short, by their works you shall know ...

The letter says:

"Dear Mr. Mayor,

is very difficult to express what one feels to live near this" shame ". It is a mixture of anger, helplessness and anxiety all because like it or not, every morning we have to face and endure this.

The council trench in his unfortunate position, saying simply that it is their responsibility and that the blame rests upon the former owners. For you, here is just the question, nothing more nothing less. As for the unfortunate people who live there, to public health and the sad image conveyed by our people, not their own affairs, are minor ailments that do not deserve any special consideration and further, any action.

But their arguments are not limited to blame the former owners, but rather, over the months, we have added a good dose of fantasy. People who have pointed out the serious damage that this causes to public health (including rats "Jurassic" pass freely through the area), their responses have been that debris are actually supporting the weight of the street, which otherwise would sink.

Well, apart from the adjacent streets (Sang Lane / Street Ratchet) are sinking further in this section, we must take much imagination to attribute to waste a set function support because it actually performs this work effectively (in Castlebar and New Zealand) is a retaining wall. And since we are talking about the collapse of a public area, it is surreal to hear that the council can not take any action in the area of \u200b\u200bwaste, since it is private land.

Well, if the land is private, on the contrary the streets are public, and therefore, how is it possible that despite the sorry state in which they are, you not take any serious initiative? You really can seriously consider the steps they have taken over these two years?

1) Put a fence covered with a cloth of green and black ("to cover the shame?)
2) Move it, from time to time, to hide that Rail and roads are broken down slowly ratchet and inexorably.
3) Clean and fix (only) a few hours before any religious function or other festive event that provoked by a number of residents / voters.
4) Tear down, after more than two years, a surviving wall of a house located on the street formerly Stop and were almost exclusively held by cables from the light.

If the land is private, the impact on the health of the residents is a public issue, understand it or not, like it or not, is no longer a private matter.

If you lived here, be honest: would have been limited in those two years to put a fence and you're black? Would he have argued that it is a private matter? Would rats were allowed freely stroll outside his home (and sometimes in front of visitors to the Castle)?

Do you realize the image we're transmitting?
Do you realize not only economic damage that this entails?

The feeling increasingly strong, distinguished Mayor, is that You have taken this issue as something personal, and since an increasing number of citizens expressing an opinion different from yours, you found inadmissible these criticisms, and therefore, a fortiori, sees no reason to take action.

Their reactions give him away, branded as "liars" to representatives of an association, guilty, for having "half filled Castalla 'flags against him. If perhaps, in some free time, could see the issue from a less obtuse, and understand that this flag is the symbol of civic protest and silent, which does not offend anyone, and it is only a sample of the concern that many citizens feel about the abandonment of the historic downtown living.

A good mayor acts, and unresponsive, to the civic and constructive criticism.

A good mayor listens to citizens, but really listen to over 4 years without taking a coffee a few weeks before the election.
A good mayor is the one who manages the interests of the people, for the people and not against, as the historical center is our greatest asset.

On Us, which of us Interested truth is that they are a solution Now!

And do not forget that your somos enemigos, We're just friends and neighbors from the historic center of Castalla.

Submitted by Friends and neighbors in historic center Thursday, February 17, 201

Photos Friends & Neighbors Association Historic Centre


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