Monday, February 28, 2011

Heavy Implantation Bleeding Occurs Twins

The University of Alicante wants to eliminate a colony of cats

seems that there are people specializing in creating problems where none exist.

The Vice President for Infrastructure, Space and Environment has decided, for the good, which controlled the colony of cats in the AU should disappear, for one, has already given the order to gardeners remove all existing feeding and watering stock is replenished through a network of volunteers from the same university. It's been a couple of months he commanded the cafeterias were not thrown out the leftovers. And the next step, according to the Vice President, was that the Protector will take them, step that the president of ignoring the same claims.

controlled cat colonies are usually run by volunteers and nongovernmental organizations that feed, vaccinate and sterilize, and their presence in any population center not cause any harm, because they do not transmit diseases to be human, and also help to prevent animal pests (rats, cockroaches) that itself could be a serious health problem.

Today in the Senate of the University have taken the floor to denounce this atrocity and demand its cessation; The chancellor has said that about this issue, so its technical aspect, and if they are doing something responsible know why.

is funny, but the two universities in Valencia pamper your cat colonies and even give corporate web space for them.

is time to act. All those who follow me in this blog, do the favor of writing an email to to express your support for the colony of cats in the UA. On Thursday March 3 at 11:30 am, there is a concentration in front of the Rectory. Thanks.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Miena Velba Airport Security

A dance with Graham Newey

Although I am in the fallow season creative and intellectual, I can not resist sharing with you the premiere of the latest video from Graham Newey, Volaré .

time ago that I'm the new electro-pop music that takes place in Spain and from web sites been supporting my humble opinion, groups and singers such as Lemon ^ Fly, Algora, The Forbidden Putirecords, Yogurinha Borova, Ana Elena Pena, Boy and Girl, not to mention the immense Pedro Marin (which has led to paths glam / rock).

Graham Newey And I happen to have followed its development almost from the beginning and I think that, not having a great voice (but correct), deserves to rank with their own light on the music scene this country for their tenacity, creativity, freshness, music which has been improving step by step, its flashy videos and cuddle because he knows good people accompanying him, are his friends from the beginning, and now Jesus is Madriñán, the director of her latest video clip.

The theme is taken from their album Neonium , available at digital stores. Hope you like it.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Heavy Possible Of Twins

June 2010.
reserve the hotel in Villatoro. About 35 km from Ávila . Torre called Posadas Mayorazgo . A very quiet and cozy place to enjoy days of relaxation. The hotel is highly recommended. On Friday and arrived around 8 pm. We dined in the hotel.
The next morning we visited Ávila capital. The city of Ávila has a rich heritage, the highlights are his walls.

We went for a walk in the wall, had to be done when the sooner the better because it was a hot day and as the hours passed would become more unbearable.
The entrance fee is 4 euros per person. The walk along the wall is done in 2 stages.
The view from the wall are beautiful. It is a pleasant walk. The walls are those that are best preserved of all the English territory.

But not only its walls . Touring the city are numerous buildings of note.

Convent - Museo de Santa Teresa de Jesus located where Santa was born and lived until age 20. Declared - Artistic Monument .

La Plaza Mayor de Ávila not be missed. Houses stand on the arches around the square. It is one of the busiest places in town.

of doors to outside the wall is the Basilica of San Vicente of great beauty.

For lunch, we could not get out of Ávila without trying the famous steak. How nice!
After lunch we went to see Cathedral. Admission is 4 euros.
As we still had a long day ahead were looking for something in nature. We got in the car and headed for the Sierra de Gredos , one of the most extensive ranges the Central System .

Between stop and stop, we finally got to El Barco de Avila, a beautiful town worth visiting.
River to the Roman bridge, also known as Old Bridge is a must-see place.

back to the hotel, dinner at Piedrahita.

On Sunday we left the hotel and went to Villacastín , where we ate before returning was Valencia.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Proxima Projector 5100

Shame Castalla Old Town

is not the first time the abandonment Castalla Old Town by the local mayor is reported from this blog. Well, I want to let me play the open letter written by the Friends and Neighbors of the historic center, quite indicative of the chaotic and unfortunate situation that the residents go to the indifference or worse, the continued snub of the representatives of the City , beginning with its visible head, Mr. Pratt.

seems incredible that one billion euros spent on "fixing" areas that were good (sorry for the park!) And will not be reversed to recover the degraded area. In short, by their works you shall know ...

The letter says:

"Dear Mr. Mayor,

is very difficult to express what one feels to live near this" shame ". It is a mixture of anger, helplessness and anxiety all because like it or not, every morning we have to face and endure this.

The council trench in his unfortunate position, saying simply that it is their responsibility and that the blame rests upon the former owners. For you, here is just the question, nothing more nothing less. As for the unfortunate people who live there, to public health and the sad image conveyed by our people, not their own affairs, are minor ailments that do not deserve any special consideration and further, any action.

But their arguments are not limited to blame the former owners, but rather, over the months, we have added a good dose of fantasy. People who have pointed out the serious damage that this causes to public health (including rats "Jurassic" pass freely through the area), their responses have been that debris are actually supporting the weight of the street, which otherwise would sink.

Well, apart from the adjacent streets (Sang Lane / Street Ratchet) are sinking further in this section, we must take much imagination to attribute to waste a set function support because it actually performs this work effectively (in Castlebar and New Zealand) is a retaining wall. And since we are talking about the collapse of a public area, it is surreal to hear that the council can not take any action in the area of \u200b\u200bwaste, since it is private land.

Well, if the land is private, on the contrary the streets are public, and therefore, how is it possible that despite the sorry state in which they are, you not take any serious initiative? You really can seriously consider the steps they have taken over these two years?

1) Put a fence covered with a cloth of green and black ("to cover the shame?)
2) Move it, from time to time, to hide that Rail and roads are broken down slowly ratchet and inexorably.
3) Clean and fix (only) a few hours before any religious function or other festive event that provoked by a number of residents / voters.
4) Tear down, after more than two years, a surviving wall of a house located on the street formerly Stop and were almost exclusively held by cables from the light.

If the land is private, the impact on the health of the residents is a public issue, understand it or not, like it or not, is no longer a private matter.

If you lived here, be honest: would have been limited in those two years to put a fence and you're black? Would he have argued that it is a private matter? Would rats were allowed freely stroll outside his home (and sometimes in front of visitors to the Castle)?

Do you realize the image we're transmitting?
Do you realize not only economic damage that this entails?

The feeling increasingly strong, distinguished Mayor, is that You have taken this issue as something personal, and since an increasing number of citizens expressing an opinion different from yours, you found inadmissible these criticisms, and therefore, a fortiori, sees no reason to take action.

Their reactions give him away, branded as "liars" to representatives of an association, guilty, for having "half filled Castalla 'flags against him. If perhaps, in some free time, could see the issue from a less obtuse, and understand that this flag is the symbol of civic protest and silent, which does not offend anyone, and it is only a sample of the concern that many citizens feel about the abandonment of the historic downtown living.

A good mayor acts, and unresponsive, to the civic and constructive criticism.

A good mayor listens to citizens, but really listen to over 4 years without taking a coffee a few weeks before the election.
A good mayor is the one who manages the interests of the people, for the people and not against, as the historical center is our greatest asset.

On Us, which of us Interested truth is that they are a solution Now!

And do not forget that your somos enemigos, We're just friends and neighbors from the historic center of Castalla.

Submitted by Friends and neighbors in historic center Thursday, February 17, 201

Photos Friends & Neighbors Association Historic Centre

Does Hmo Pay For Dermatologist


seemed that the day would come but like everything in life was, now begins the great adventure, it was unthinkable for me to be part of this great event last year when he visited blogs people who had been there, the truth, I was dying of envy! when I saw the pictures and read the comments on how well it had passed and rewarding who had been the moment of being face to face with virtual friends both yearned to know, but not how it arose and this year, I can not believe I'm one of them, all thanks to some colleagues who have angered and worried to organize all this and often must be working! thank them all for everything and most people I have helped make this dream has been realidad.Gracias.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ontario Ambulance Charge

2011 Fifth

After I went back to practicing the Spiral Rope is simple to make and the outcome for me is espectacular.En This time I used only 4 mm tupis olivine green and I think I like more than the previous one that used tupis of 2.5, 3 and 4mm.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Hapoened To Nick Berry

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Much Batter For 6x2 Round Vake Pan

Spiral Rope Bead crochet

This time I used a color of pebbles that I like a lot, a very cool green but do not tell you his name (since the names of things I take fatal, I can not stay or the three) and 3 mm tupis vitrail medium.