Friday, December 31, 2010

How Much I One Mb Of Phone Data

Pandora silver bracelet.

take this entry to wish you all a very good entry and happy year, and as I have some time with nothing would not go so apathetic in 2011, so I put these bracelets as cucas with those pieces of Pandora, that bring it more of a crazy, they are very comfortable to take on and off, because they are made with rubber band, I hope you enjoy them as much as me and until next year ugh how long!

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Happy Goodbye 2011

As this year we stayed at home to celebrate New Year's Eve, we had the pleasure of dining for two days with our friends Anthony and Paul in his house and then came this picture, I must admit that I love, so nothing more appropriate than this image of friendship and sympathy to wish the best for the coming year.

have a great time tonight (cuidadin with the car, drink, fines ...) until next year.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rotel Pasta Velveeta Recipe

Bobby Farrell, powerhouse voice and Boney M, died today in his hotel room in St. Petersburg, where he was from tour, for unknown reasons.

contourings The flexibility of the proceedings in that view of the '70s television marveled at all after trying to imitate on the dance floor, usually with little luck. "Ma-ma-ma-ma", Farrell mimicked the action of firing a gun in his song "Ma Baker", turned pert and graceful, at times as he suffered the evil of San Vito, bare-chested, accompanied by three vocalists were moving in time and therefore a low voice, so distinct and recognizable, I am one of the icons of the decade of the '70s musical.

His fans (among whom I am, of course) will not forget either his music or his staging. I leave two videos, one of his early and present another .

Friday, December 24, 2010

Why Do Brazilians Look Unique

Feliz Navidad Boney M Christmas sweeter

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Clf2 ( ) Lewis Structure

passed five years ago. I had asked the day at work, because I wanted to go to Christmas sweets, cordials and almonds.

With the radio on, listening to the monotonous singing of the children of San Ildefonso while kneading the almonds, flour, sugar.

Then I heard it came out fifth place, I sounded much. Nervous, his hands filled with gobs I went to the computer, which had the list of lottery playing. There it was, just one tenth of the number sung. € 5,000, shared with a family friend.

Christmas was sweeter than I remember.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Raise The Suspension On A Polaris 340

COURSE OF BEADS. Venice ring and ring

and factual date for the first course in Puente Genil beads.
Due to the demand of several friends and colleagues we have decided to organize this course of beads that more specifically for interested to know that they will try first of all, I commented that the material with which to work is top quality, including the famous Swarosvky glass, faceted Czech, Miyuki pebbles, silver and leather, which is very fashionable in this era, which together with the glass make a perfect combination.
This introductory course will start on January 28th 4-8 pm and end on January 29 at the same time.
In the photo you can admire the pretty things that you will be able to hacer.Mas forward with time and practice will be taught new classes, and with a medium level and even reached an advanced level.
If you like the jewelry, join us!.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Stihl Ts400 Blade Size

Scissor Sisters - Invisible Light

Who knew that this video is made by the English? I leave an interesting article in El Pais on the production of video clips, click HERE .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Men Can Get Back Waxed In Ct

Goodbye Thor trailer

This man, 88, is one of the filmmakers who have managed to get me more laughs in front of a screen, with Billy Wilder. His Victor / Victoria is one of my favorite comedies of all cinema history (and I, musical), but we must not forget the rest of his films: the saga of The Pink Panther, The Party, Breakfast at Tiffany , 10, the perfect woman , The Great Race, Blind Date and Days of Wine and Roses , among many others. I leave you with a scene of Victor / Victoria , now legendary in the musical film, "Le Jazz Hot", played brilliantly by Julie Andrews (Mrs. Edwards in real life):

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tooth Repair With J B Weld


And this, the black color Tupi, I saw my friend Esther de Valencia, is very simple but not because it has a special charm like me lot and is awesome because it will be because the person who saw it is also lovely as him. And
bronze yellow pebbles I have called Esther because it is not his name, gave it to me when I was in Valencia, is also lovely and also coming from her I still like mas.Gracias Esther.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Creatine And Dextroze

Blake Edwards 2011

anyone know
I'm a fan of Marvel?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pay My Aetna Health Care Bill

The importance of blogging

Today I have class with my students about blogs and I want to realize the importance of change has meant the transition from being recipients of information to be creators of information. This is the basis of Web 2.0, along with social networking, ease of use of IT tools for each net can produce its own content and opening to the Web Blogs have become a source of information and opinion important, so that blogs are influential, who are consulted in the same way that The Financial Times or The Country , to give clear examples.

At the same time, it has developed the personality of the bloggers, finding various types, which summarizes an interesting article by ABC: 20101209/medios-redes/evolucion-bloguero-201012090057.html

For anyone interested, here I leave my presentation of the course session today:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The List Of The Original 151 Pokemon

SEP becomes the third force of association of the AU, quadrupling its 2006 results

four years ago was born on SEP at the University of Alicante and a great effort (we had no infrastructure, released, money, anything) got three representatives. Yesterday that number was multiplied by four and get twelve delegates, surpassing even the UGT in PAS, thanks to continued work we have been making those who make up the union and we believe that another way to make trade unionism is possible, more independent and close to the problems actual worker.

Many thanks to all members, candidates and voters.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordpress Dirt Bike Theme

We stand up for you: union elections at the University of Alicante

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Buy Synergeyes Contacts Online

Things I do not understand the planning of Castalla

There are things that cost understand in As for the urban planning of my people, Castalla. I did not understand, co mo happened to many neighbors, the reason for the disappearance of trees and restructuring Onil Avenue. I do not understand how it is dropping literally the upper part of the old town, with poor eyesight given by landslides and debris when someone goes to the castle. I did not understand either the rehabilitation Plaça de l'Hostal, in a performance that she's doing right now (a year, eye) so wrong that was done and with a small fountain that flowed with the first tour day of his inauguration and never again.

Now the City is undertaking the redevelopment of the Plaça de la Font Vella, the Plaça Major, the Major carrer i the pl Església l'ACA, at a cost of 700,000 €, within the Trust Plan of the Government, visiting authorities including (pictured). Well I do not understand. Of course it's good money to come out better (assuming, as we shall see what is) the streets and squares in town, but would not it be better to use that money fixing up the hill to the castle and all the houses collapsed and roads cracked ?

The old town is asking for help a long task ago po and things go from bad to worse, the mayor does not listen to nothing and continue with their sights set on other sites more profitable electorally, because I nobody is going to discover that the houses that are crumbling and the neighborhood which is being corrupted is inhabited by people of humble social background, or not born in Castlebar, But working people, retirees, etc. The problem is enlarged because as the area is starting to become an attraction to a certain crime and people less socially integrated, that clashes with the neighborhood.

The Association of Friends and Neighbors of Old convo ed on October 25 general meeting to discuss the problems of the historical center and try to find possible solutions to them. About one hundred people attended Castalla the call made by the association to give support to the city council, which has so far given away any venidode approach them, the mayor said on November 5 q ue would meet with the association and today, two weeks later, no we know nothing.

From that meeting came a series of proposals, which are:

"Nearly a hundred friends and neighbors Castalla Historical Center have developed a series of proposals on what actions should an conduct, from the municipal corporation, to improve this area of \u200b\u200btown. We believe that all the proposals are reasonable and achievable. Some have been targeted since the sense of abandonment that caused the lack of a general plan of action, some motivated by concrete demands of people suffering from the situation or general feelings of citizens Castalla.

These proposals would want to convey to the various political representatives to seek a public commitment to act in this space as emblematic. The neighbors and people we cherish the Historical Center need to believe that we are all making efforts in the same direction and that this is the right direction because we are all who believe in it. That's why we ask:

- The development of a Special Plan comprehensive rehabilitation or emergency plan for the entire historic center by professionals (Look ar the most appropriate legal formula).

- The global plan of action should include an improvement of municipal services: street lighting, municipal crews setting, study for improving access, of parking or recycling ...

- Provide by the municipal administration the establishment of private initiative for enhancing trade, tourism and housing: the existence of subsidies, reduction in municipal taxes, facilitate and coordinate information of empty buildings ...

- Creation of a small Office of Promotion and Information Municipal Historic Center: Find and request for aid (European, national, regional ... ); information to neighbors and potential buyers on aid and grants, information on actions to be taken and the comprehensive plan to revitalize the historic center, the search for solutions to improve the situation of the residents, advocacy for the establishment of new residents, provide as much as possible the bureaucratic and technical for new facilities ...

- in areas of debris, clean and close to protect. It should consolidate all that is in danger (eg lane street), and in case of solutions islands of houses, seek agreement with the landowners affected by the collapse of buildings side.

- Carry out public participation processes to detect needs and priorities in the distribution of investments and services performed by professionals.

- pacts with other political parties to make it a work of all: creation of a Commission which are all represented, along various associations of people.

Friends and Neighbors of Historic Center of Castalla "

also at that meeting attendees became the manifesto prepared, personalized by the association and a signature page, if you are interested to read and sign can do so by clicking HERE.

The photos are caught in Diari de Castalla, Web Association Friends and Neighbors and Castalla of

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cutting Brownies With Cookie Cutter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Trailer

Yes, I'm a fan of the Harry Potter film saga and we're almost at the end ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dune Buggy Games On Funbrain

Memories 24 years ago ...

This week, specifically on Thursday 4, I met twenty-four years working at the University continuously, there is nothing.

outcrop memories of a restless boy, and then my motto was "the point is not to stop," I used to study local journalism, doing theater, edit a journal be representative of students, librarian occasional ...

The home situation was not hopeless, but not good. My father had been fired from work, with more than forty peers (Magro Bakery closed) and dedicated to make substitutions, short-term contracts, etc. My mother, a good manager, handled the economic thing for the situation at home was more or less normal, without missing anything.

I had v Aryans work attempts to enter jar in organizations and institutions, with little luck. had to studied accounting and banking, long and heavy INEM courses, and all q ue succeeded, from time to time, it was some money for my articles and chronic L'Alic antigen and The Viler, both owned by media entrepreneur and a disastrous one small pay as an assistant librarian, companion and listener D. Miguel Martínez Mena, yes Don Miguel, retired lawyer and writer and historian Falangist, coauthor of the series "Alicante 1930" and below, who had an impressive library in the attic of Calle San Agustín, quite chaotic, so there I had to use thoroughly. But I'll talk about this issue, passionate before in my life, indeed.

As I was saying. The year was 1986 and began a new course, the 86-87, going 3 of Philology, of course, that was the first year he taught at the UA (in our particular group) José Luis Cifuentes, much later Dean of the Faculty. At that time it was announced with fanfare on the radio by the newspaper edition information about Menjars partworks called the terra , written by Fernando Alicante gastónomos Gallar and Gonzalez Pomata.

At home they buy the paper every Sunday, without exception. was a good way to pass the boring TV at the time. But interest in both the house to the food (my mother cooked very well) and Fernando Gallo was the father of my friend Manolo, we decided to purchase the collectible, which went out on Thursday. The first, to be exact, on Thursday, October 30.

's diary that day came a little snippet announcing the convening of two contracts Temporary Administrative Assistant in Valencia for the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the AU. And I stress "in Valencia." And the deadline for submitting applications is Monday 3 November. Said and done, why not?, I had already made months before a technician in Valencia Square at the UA and I was second behind the winner of the plaza (Forcadell). The surprise to file papers, the test would be the next day, on 4 November. And the test would consist of administrative skills (processes, models ...) as well as expertise with the typewriter. And all in Valencia.

Here I remember how I told my friends of the race to introduce themselves and how they laughed at me, if I was going to leave school to work, that what I was missing, etc.., Etc. Twenty years later, more than one of those friends have told me their repentance, because they still roamed from place to place, as interns or temporary ...

The next day, Wednesday, charged with an Olivetti Linea 98 that lent me, the test took place, well not the evidence. First with the typewriter, speed test copying a text in Valencian, writing a spelling test given by the court read ... in Valencia, of course. Then, one to one interview every applicant s (about twenty) to ask about administrative matters and other measures, and in Valencia, of course. When my turn came, I asked about what to do when he got a letter to the service and what was a trade and what struck me most was the open question time, imagine the ability to assess expression in Valencia, but who would think the question of why he wanted to work? In short, I left unscathed.

As had emergency on Wednesday and the results were hanged: number one, Manolo Maroto, already recruited by the UA and had arisen because his contract was not clear how he was doing, number two Antoni Forner, who was already developing a time the functions in the ICE with a grant, number three, moi. Too bad they only were two seats.

On Thursday I was sleeping so peaceful, would be very little after eight o'clock in the morning (classes that day had to start over afternoon, I guess), sleep when the phone from home (Gondola wall of red). Because I do not extrañado adjournment Eran hours and that the voice of atrial salts, dried and Mandoni, he left me perplejo. "¿Rafael Joseph Sirvent?" "Yes, soy yo Tell me," You Phone ICE, we can not know why you're here? "," Sorry, "I do not understand," That has resigned and Manolo Maroto you have entered in the square, so we hurry a lot of work, come as soon as possible, "now agafe a taxi," Okay, bye. "

be my salt heart by mouth, I woke my parents to tell them, do not know if I made myself a coffee and take a shower I think without even caught a taxi and I went to the ICE, then on the top floor of the first building of Philosophy and Letters. Following initial presentations, to put in an envelope like a madman, as convocábamos thousands of teachers in primary and secondary courses at Valencia.

That starts my work history with the AU. I started work on 6 November, but the contract I did from the 4th, the day of the test. Better. Since the ICE I had the inside of the administrative work and I was very happy months there I was, because the contract was renewable annually up to three years, but still working out the little squares, I introduced myself and pulled. And on July 1, 1987 changed jobs, with great regret on my part and that of my colleagues and bosses. But it was fixed. Until today.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lumbar Strain Radiculopathy

Miguel Hernández, a hundred years

hundred years old today would oriolano poet Miguel Hernández, who died in prison in Alicante under the Franco regime in 1942. For many years silenced by the regime of the dictator, his poems clear fresh, torn, combative, were able to overcome the decades of darkness and is already recognized as one of the greatest English poets of the twentieth century, which is not enough, because this century has been very successful in large letters, and some believe it is one of the best in the English literary history.

Friday, October 29, 2010

How Do I Clear The History On My Direct Tv Dvr

unpresentable Round

I guess in a tavern full of fat and flies to the trio of recent days are people that are all the rage with slugs statements: Javier León de la Riva, Mayor Valladolid popular for their lewd "mental straws" when he sees the Leire Pajin Lips, Fernando Sanchez Drago, who writes and says cheerfully how he put two girls / young women of 13 years in Japan and finally, Arturo Perez Reverte, the essence of cool, patriotic machismo that Descojonado of a minister (Moratinos) because he cries in public.

tavern And that should not have gone ever since being three people with a known public record, everything they say and / or do has the ability to influence others. And very smart these guys are, even pocketing money for writing (and even write well), I would not have arrived to educate children and teenagers in my family, because the example of how they are and how they think I do not think the more appropriate for society to progress in democracy and values.

And this mob does not deserve nothing but scorn and laugh at it, I leave you with a few gags about Sánchez Pérez Reverte and Drago made by the folks at Muchachada Nui.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where To Buy A Motorcycle Wheelie Bar

The "advisor" Aznar