Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tech Deck Tournaments 2010


New blog. See you there.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Plain Metal Cuff Bracelets

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator / Roald Dahl

The last time I had seen the young Charlie was in a glass elevator that had just come out fired up to heaven after completing a visit to the chocolate factory. In this sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Mr. Willy Wonka deschabetado still as in the previous book and Grandma Josephine, and George Georgiga acids are just picky as many old world and Charlie, abuejo Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Burke are just as smart, brave and skeptical as in the previous book. I like the sequels, no doubt. Best of Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator is that in many ways extends the fantasy world of the chocolate factory and outside it. Let's a quick trip to the space where Charlie and company, in the glass elevator, defend a space capsule from the attack of Knidos Vermiciosos, beings elongated, green with red eyes and pointy tails and end again in the mysteries of factory (ooompa Loompas included with songs) with an unexpected adventure that rejuvenates and aging grandparents. Mines appear caramel and chocolate wells and the land of Menoslandia. And everywhere is the sound roaldiana imagination with unexpected events reported with the least embarrassment, while one has to "rejuvenate" with reading, fighting against the "old" readers that uneducated in the faculties of philosophy and letters. Unique and robust young adult novel. Do not stop reading it.
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. Roald Dahal. Child Alfaguara, 2008, 166 p.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Number Muncher Online Free

The art of Julio Torri / Serge I.

For some reason, since I bought the book, some two years, felt he owed a debt to him. I saw it on my bookshelf and my hand and went to him when he looked distracted and take any other issue of course, did not end. But today I could finally read The art of Julio Torri , a singular critical work on one of the writers of that lost generation that suffered the revolution and whose most precious children settled abroad and Vasconcelos, Reyes, Martin Luis Guzman and Pedro Henríquez Ureña. However Torri ran and how well it shows the relationship of letters at the end of the book, had to survive everything and anything, while creating an ideology of brevity as a literary genre. Serge Zaïtzeff crumbles clearly the work of this author Coahuila, as part of the genesis of the short text, as it relates to Torri and puts the saga of much of the brief work later wrote Arreola, Monterroso and Borges. At the end comes a review the work of Mariano Silva and a fun text on the destruction of the city of Mexico. The book gives another kind of light, showing an ideology about literature, friendship, honor and even the misogyny of Torri in his texts, this Torri who bicycled, which was spicy and above all loving relationships, which had in its library missed the chat and Reyes Ureña, which in short is also difficult to find nowadays: good lecturers. It is not sure about anything, it, to approach the man as played in our days in the Inland prize.
The art of Julio Torri , Serge I. Zaïtzeff, Editorial Oasis 182 pages. 1983

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Church's H Omecoming Ads

Zaïtzeff Flying solo / Roald Dahl

I have a passion planes and war artifacts, but nothing more as I like reading biographies or in this case, autobiographies. Going Solo are the memories of Roald Dahl during his time as an RAF pilot in the Greek theater and later Syria. We face a somewhat romantic vision and a little hiperrrealista man for whom the war was finally made practical, as stated in the following lines "The survival was not so one fight more. I began to realize that the only way behave in a situation in which rained bombs and bullets went whistling, was to accept the dangers and all its consequences as calmly as possible. Distressed and desperate for it was useless. "Viewed from this perspective, the chronicles that Dahl makes his years as a pilot is not only raw but sensitive at a time. Recounts fly low over the prairie, while fleeing the One-Zero-Nine, and manages to see a goat, tells a funny scene about a lion who stole a woman, carrying in its mouth for more than two hundred meters and above all, the work breathes in deep love of a child by his mother, seen from the constant Dahl sent letters to his mother from the various battlefields. The descriptions of the air battles that held are disturbing, as the brief depiction of the Battle of Athens, where the last 15 hurricanes Greece beat defending more than 200 Meschermints 109 and 11th. And Dahl also speaks in the book, to love, aircraft, old Gladiator, the Tiger Moth and reliable terrible Ju 88 bombers. Amid all this paraphernalia of war, however, it is possible to find some stories that would give rise to scenes and stories of his future books. Read Going Solo daily is like entering a friend's friend would not free from controversy in his life, a journal that we are surprised by its simplicity and warmth.
Going Solo, Roald Dahl, Alfaguara child Mexico, p. 184, 1998

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Small Red Spot On Breast

The great cambiazo / Roald Dahl

I've always felt a weakness for short stories long. It is not easy to write. Maintain tension and interest demands a certain quality of work that is not achieved over the years. And also, I've always had a weakness for the work of Roald Dahl, who read it, curiously, in the first instance one of his adult My Uncle Oswald and then took a quantum leap to say its great and sensitive work for adolescents. In The Great cambiazo, spicy Dahl tells four stories about sexual freedom. There are two major daily notes of the libertine Is it right to call rake Uncle Oswald?, Oswald Hendryks Cornelius. The others are sparkling versions of sex. It is curious that the work of a writer can unfold much as the work of the British, who always seems to be jumping, nervous, unexpectedly, from a girl who has magical powers to the irresistible Copper Anna, a woman who lost her husband and flirts with suicide until he meets an old lover who take an unexpected end, in "The Last Act", one of the stories that make up this book. The other texts are: "The Visitor", a chronicle of Uncle Oswald when a mysterious man invites him to his house in the desert, where he met two outstanding women, "The big change had, the story of two husbands who confabulate a plan to exchange wives for a night, "The last act" of which I spoke, and finally the story of "Bitch," another story of Uncle Oswald where he helps a scientist to discover the aroma that can put men in heat, more?, a reader asked wryly. Yes, more. In this case, no matter that they tell stories, read Roald Dahl has a magic invaluable. In making his books are always the most attentive reader so be reading Agu Trot or The big poke.
The great change had , Roald Dahl, Anagram, 1994, 170 pages.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Vigamox Solution Expiration

in the clouds / Ian McEwan

A good friend gave me this book on my last birthday and now almost back to the date I made in order to read it. The result is mixed: frustration and happiness, frustration at having missed so much time to read and happiness for the fact that I did. in the clouds is one of those books accurate, where life is awakened. Peter Fortune a child with too much imagination runs in several stories, different stages of their life in the world of fantasy is revealed with unusual force, showing the weariness of life, but also the beauty of life. In the end, every fantasy leads to the discovery of Love, perhaps the greatest discovery of man. It is a fact that she does not love, at least one banana peel, can not be among their peers rather than to piss or destroyed. But in the end, I could read the clouds In . With lively prose, with poetic light but building and landscape images of the plastic start to describe the human, is like this guy McEwan creates unforgettable that it will be prosecuted by his wrists from his sister who discover- share the body of the old house cat and you'll find, one morning, contained in the body of a bumbling adult, the greatest gift possible from the lips of the girl Gwendoline: love, only to lose to go back to childhood.
Editorial: Anagram
p. 147

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sostituta Denise Milani

Sin Tetas no heaven / Gustavo Bolivar Moreno

One of the most delicious telenovelas I've seen has been Sin Tetas no paradise. The story is about a girl who wants to get boobs to be one of the mistresses of the "traquetos", ie, the drug traffickers in Colombia. Catherine's life will be like a little journey through the land of Oz, where you'll find yourself with Tin Man, Scarecrow and even his Witch of the West or is it the East? Only instead of desert wastelands and flying monkeys, find bodyguard travel by boat and helicopter, major and minor drug dealers, doctors who operate claiming to acostones, corrupt politicians hobnobbing among all envy, violence and tits factory, as one of the characters in the novel. This work by Gustavo Bolivar reflects the ambition of thousands of girls in our continent and oh how fun and has many passages worthy of repeating in any medium:
"She was dying of grief being ridiculous in the midst of 59 poor women as like her, so idiots like her, as stupid as her, but with tits bigger than hers. "
Or his description of narcos undoubtedly anthology.
"Seres very basic, very ambitious, sick of the money, easy money worshiping, arrogant, ego and vanity flooded, delicate, not manners, but for their intolerance, infidels, womanizing, good-natured and liars. Demigods of Olympus imaginary and fictitious, revelers without measure, many of them vicious and addiction, evil, ruthless, greedy, arrogant, unable to overcome loneliness or economic crisis, insecure bullies, need to show the world financial, trauma, dementia able to sell his mother to the DEA in order to get a reduction in sentence before climbing, and feet chained hands, an American flag aircraft fired its engines at the track bet Catam from El Dorado Airport in Bogota. "
With a farcical novel like this, language is used to count so funny, cynical and painful ordeal Catherine to find her traqueto and of course, to her breasts. Sometimes the narrator fails and diluted some of the tension and makes repeated use of narrative techniques, but the novel delivers. No doubt. Now that we Vimo influenza, nothing like Sin Tetas no paradise to rise.
Publisher: Pocket, Random House Mondadori.
P. 248

Heavy Implantation Bleeding Could Have Twins

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Roald Dahl

do not know where I read recently that one writer said that, while Dahl continue reading, we have some hope. I think the same. I just read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory without much desire to see the film version. The story is delicious: a boy from a poor family, very very poor, you win a golden ticket to see the inside of the famous chocolate factory of Willie Wonka. Assists with his grandfather and then discovers the old man's hand Wonka, the candy most surprising, most unexpected jellies and even chewing gum that taste of food (including blueberry pie). Meanwhile, Roald glad to criticize parents who give their children everything, children Wolverines, for children who only watch television and even manners, about how bad is chewing gum. In the end, well, read the final one ends with a desire not to eat candy for a while, and besides, none of the candies on store shelves come, either by mistake, yummy Wonka candy. You have to read Roald Dahl. No doubt. Your imagination is clear, powerful and the best of it, warm.
Editorial: Alfaguara
child p. 172

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How To Make Party Popper Cannon

Hawksbill Station Robert Silverberg

I have a deja vu that someone will come to graffiti this post ... in order.

many years ago had a couple of friends fans of Science Fiction. Their houses were huge libraries where the same could be found that Foundation and Empire Asimov. Thanks to them I found a collection of Plaza & Janes called imaginary world where I read an interesting and funny novel by Brian Aldiss, Galaxies like grains of sand . Now I just read
Hawksbill Station of not less writer Robert Silverberg, who walks around the review of one of his books. In Hawksbill Station, Silverberg creates a communist prison, prison located on planet Earth, yes, but in the Cambrian period. A plain red, volcanoes and a warm sea virulent yielding trilobites is the landscape for this wonderful novel.
The tension started when a new prisoner arrives at the station and he always doubts concerning the future if that world has changed, what new things have happened and if the fate of this handful of old men and crazy, more so second to first, have any hope of returning to 2025.
I like the characters in Silverberg, defeated men, but remain on edge in the desert thanks to a certain honor that has overcome while encouraged. If literature should give us images, this book gave me more that there was no thinking, an old lame, leaning on a crutch, looking beyond the plain red and the solitude of his memories, a small boat where four of his colleagues scrambling to get the largest trilobite history to eat the flesh spongy and terrible Silverberg said.
Editorial Plaza & Janes
p. Imaginary Worlds 223

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Woodlawn Funeral Home Nashville

Madero other / Ignacio Solares

Repeatedly, Ignacio Solares has demonstrated a great pen. At least I think so. Columbus , his novel about the Villa attack the American population is certainly a novel enjoyable, clear, concise. Has its great moments of joy and action and above all as a historical novel, the reader sheds light on the facts hidden in the storyline which, when combined with fiction not only recreate a historical period, but closer to the people of the time. In
, Madero, the other , however, the solar boom is a great atorón. More than novel, could pass as a great historical essay by the number of sources and events that populate the work. Without doubt, the life of a native of San Pedro de las Colonias is a matter of literature: his eagerness to mysticism, his confrontation against Diaz, the passion that men born in Villa and discontent that resulted in men other men like Zapata.
But the novel progresses. The author tried counting backwards, as in Journey to the seed, Carpentier, but the narrator used in second person, who used to detonate the narrative, in most cases, questions, rhetorical tone, slows down the narrative.
This data dotted. of appointments, and cuantitavos leaps in building the character, reading back Madero, the other , a little tired. Ignacio Solares is a good storyteller, at least compared with the same Solar Columbus, imagine that you know Madero went to another course. Yes, I think he knows. Still, it's a work that is a reference for understanding history. Unfortunately only a reference and nothing more.
Editorial: Punto de Lectura
top of the 232 pages.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ontario Ambulance Cost

The death of the whales

In thinking about this title, Luis Zavaleta, Colombian writer, has left me thinking a bit on the possible death of the whales. On a beach of an island paradise, one morning, guests of a five star hotel discovered that more than twenty whales have ran aground. Alibérico rush but soon realize that it is impossible. Their strengths are few but their intentions are as monumental as cetaceans. However, all this leads to a profound reflection on suicide (which a character was thinking about exercise, go, your right) and the strange but always related to all that is dying at our side every day and those who did not pay any attention. This novel is a dialogue with all that. In the end, one by one, the cetaceans are dying in a prolonged and exhaustive race to death. The character, a man of forty-five, divorced, childless, with a theater career destroyed because of plagiarism, is confronted with the whales, with death and how almost everything we do is really agonizing over sand. Ah, very good novel.
Publisher: Bonanza
Country: Colombia.
pp. 143